Wednesday 14 December 2011

Amelack Somatres Blurb

The Schtarelruhn Era has ended. The Lords of Hold have ascended to the platform of sovereignty and govern their fief with a genocidal grasp. The global drug of choice - Lasserie is now legal within Hold's walls. Having a most lucrative product snatched away from the criminal underworld, an even more insidious and deadly narcotic has risen up from the illicit broil. Plans are set in place to begin mining on the Rict Plains with an unprecedented work force, but who will it consist of? Amo and Suun, now soldiers of the Bh'ar'zel, infiltrate the murky networks and social strata of Hold to gain some understanding of the minds that created it. Can they fathom the enigma that surrounds them? What clues from the past can be gleaned about the Sha'n Ten and will it even be of any use? The sprawling, violent world the two brothers stormed into is now unfolding in earnest and power they never dreamed possible now seeks to engulf them. Continue the journey in this, the second part of the epic - Drawn Breath.

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